Contact Us
Main School Reception: 0161 921 1570
General Enquiries Email: stambrose.parents@salford.gov.uk
Pupil Absence Email: stambrose.admin@salford.gov.uk
Finance Office: stambrosefinance@salford.gov.uk
Headteacher: Ben Davis, MSc, FRSA
Headteacher’s PA: Gillian Saldanha de Magalhaes
Deputy Headteacher: Victoria Knipe
Senior Assistant Headteacher: Dawn Johnston
Director or Finance and Operations: Nicola Johnson
Director of Safeguarding and Designated Safeguarding Lead (including PREVENT): Anna Goddard
Assistant Headteachers:
Robert Jordan (Personal Development, RSE, PSHCE, Careers)
Nick Irwin (Relationships, Behaviour & Attendance)
Gareth Jones (Inclusion, SENDCO)
Katie O’Leary (Professional Development)
Bec Tulloch (Literacy)
St Ambrose Barlow RC High School
37 Ash Drive,
M27 9QP
who to contact
For Pastoral Matters
First point of contact:
Form Tutor
Second point of contact:
Head of Year
Third point of contact:
Assistant Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher
For Academic Matters
First point of contact:
Subject Teacher
Second point of contact:
Head of Subject
Third point of contact:
Assistant Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher
It is important that you follow the system above to ensure that everyone is kept informed about your child. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries regarding your child.
Please note: It is not always possible to return telephone calls immediately - we will endeavour to respond to you as quickly as possible.
If, as a parent of a pupil attending this school, you require a paper copy of the information on this website, we shall provide this free of charge.
Visitors Parking and the Local Community
St Ambrose Barlow RC High School has always worked very closely with the local community in order to maintain a mutually beneficial relationship and minimise the impact of unsocial behaviour by our pupils as rare as it may be.
We also accept that on occasions we may have staff and visitors who could be more considerate in the manner in which they park on the surrounding streets and roads.
In order that we may continue to have the support of our local community and especially those within the immediate vicinity of the school, we ask that all staff and visitors ensure that their parking is considerate and does not become a nuisance to our neighbours.