A place to Lead, where Our Young
Grow to Become People for Others
‘I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.’
(John 10:10)
‘I have my mission’
St. John Henry Newman
Celebrating pupils and staff who are creative, brave and problem solvers and who make our school:
A place to lead where young people grow to become men and women for others, creative and courageous, ambitious for the higher gifts.
A family of faith where we serve with integrity, hope and determination.
A community that values justice for the most vulnerable so that all may have life to the full.

I am Creative:
I am imaginative, I am open to new ideas,
I take on new opportunities.
I am Brave:
I am honest, I am resilient,
I stand up for what is right.
I am a Problem Solver:
I act on feedback, I look for solutions,
I like to be challenged.
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