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Mental Health and Wellbeing

Our Main Priority: Promoting positive attitude to mental health and well-being


Key priorities:


  1. Encouraging young people to talk about mental health and to overcome and challenge stigma and prejudice

  2. Provide appropriate and effective mental health support to young people, staff and their families when it is needed and, where possible, prevent matters escalating

  3. Ensure that all aspects of the school promote positive relationships and well being


What can you do in school if you are a pupil living with mental health?


You can reach out for support to one of our staff allocated to Mental Health and Well Being:


  • Mr Jones – Lead of Mental Health and Well Being

  • Miss Harrington and Miss Prady – Deputy Lead of Mental Health and Well Being

  • Mrs Goddard – Director of Safeguarding

  • Sarah Moynihan – Deputy Safeguarding Officer

  • Miss A Scowcroft - School Therapist 

  • Miss White, Mr Fairclough, Miss Statham and Mrs Riley – SEMH Team


Additionally, you can speak to your Form Tutor, Head of Year or one of your trusted teachers who will also help you and refer you to a key adult in school.


What can you do at home if you are a pupil living with mental health?


There are many online websites/apps that you can use outside of school that will help support your mental health and wellbeing:


Kooth -

Free online counselling available to young people (ages 11-18) 365 days a year, usually in the evenings and at the weekends.

A live chat allows young people to contact a qualified counsellor, chat with other young people on a forum and self-help resources


Samaritans –

Samaritans offer a listening service where volunteers are available around the clock, each day of the year to offer emotional support.


Young Minds –

Young Minds offers advice and support to young people living with mental health, but also support to parents and carers.


Mind Manchester –

Mind Manchester offers online counselling referrals, a self-care hub, well being tips and support groups for young people.


42nd Street –

Online support and advice on Mental Health and Wellbeing for young people, parents and carers.


Sane –

Young SANE is a virtual community that focuses on mental health and wellbeing for people under the age of 25.

Phoneline also open to offer support between 4pm and 10pm each day – 0300 304 7000


Extra information can also be found on the Salford City Council website under Emotional Health and Wellbeing:


What can you do as a parent/carer with a child living with mental health?


If you are worried about the mental health and wellbeing of your child then contact the members of staff listed above, their key adult in school or form tutor/head of year – as soon as you do, we will provide any support we can offer in school.


Additionally, at home you can help your child by talking openly about mental health and encourage your child to express their feelings, especially when they are confused, under pressure or upset – you can access any of the links above for support with this.







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Anger Parent Pack

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Anxiety Parent Pack

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Bereavement Parent Pack

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Low Mood Parent Pack

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Self-Esteem Parent Pack

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Self-Harm Parent Pack

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Young Peoples Support Services

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