PSHE is a subject that is taught in bespoke lessons (one per week at KS3 and one per fortnight at KS4) and is also delivered across the entire curriculum by Form Tutor, in subject area lessons, assemblies, special curriculum days and it is built in the ethos of the school - to promote positive catholic values to create well rounded members of our society.
Within the PSHE curriculum time, pupils are able to focus on Personal, Social, health and Economic issues alongside Citizenship and Careers education. Throughout their time at St Ambrose Barlow, pupils will participate in various projects linked to these areas, which should enhance their knowledge and understanding of key issues and topics. For example, Yr 11 pupils participate in mock interviews with visitors from the world of work and practise real-life interview techniques. In every year of the school we deliver RSE (relationship and sex education) as part of a theme of education and guidance for our students to enlighten and develop their thinking around relationships and sex education to help prepare them for all aspects of life, all within the Catholic Church guidance for schools.
Year 7
List of Topics:
Healthy Relationships
Relationship and sex education : Ten Ten : Who am I?
Being a UK citizen
Being an active citizen
Year 8
List of Topics:
Crime and Law
Relationship and sex education: Ten Ten: Who am I?
Drugs and Alcohol
Year 9
List of Topics:
Human Rights
Relationship and sex education: Ten Ten: The search for love
Sexual Health
Careers and Guidance
Year 10
List of Topics:
Global inequalities
Relationship and sex education: Ten Ten: The search for love
Emotional health and wellbeing
Careers and Guidance
Year 11
List of Topics:
Study skills and 'Futures'
Relationship and sex education: Ten Ten: The search for love
Emotional health and wellbeing
Careers and Guidance
Useful Websites: Careers
Career Companion: www.careercompanion.co.uk
Independent and Impartial Careers Information.
iCould: www.icould.com
Take the Buzz Quiz and watch video clips of people talking about their jobs.
Careersbox: www.careersbox.co.uk
Careers films/videos showing real people in real jobs.
Moving On: www.movingonmagazine.co.uk
Discover careers and qualifications information.
Useful Websites – LMI (Labour Market Information)
Warwick University: www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/ier/ngrf/lmifuturetrends
LMI Future Trends.
Careers of the Future resource.
Bridge GM: bridgegm.co.uk/labour-market-information
Information on LMI in Greater Manchester.