What to do if...
This school is built on love. Your safety and security is our priority. No-one has the right to make you feel unsafe, to hurt you or to do anything to you against your will.
We have a fully trained Safeguarding Team and all staff are trained each year in matters relating to safeguarding.
If you are worried or feel unsafe or wish to share your concerns about another pupil please speak to any member of staff. They will always listen, they will not judge and they will ensure that the matter is dealt with.
There is no place in this school for bullying. Whenever it happens we will deal with it quickly and effectively using our well-established systems. You do not need to suffer in silence - tell an adult and it can be dealt with.
Illness and Accidents
If you feel unwell or have an accident you must tell your teacher. If this happens during break or lunchtime, you need to see your Head of Year, Welfare person or report to the attendance office.
Signing out of/ Into School (when attending medical appointment)
You must try to make dental appointments outside school time. However, you may need to leave school for a medical appointment or other important reason. You must bring a note from your parents to your Form Tutor. Always sign out at reception when you leave school and you must sign back in when you return. All pupils must be collected by a parent or responsible adult.
Occasionally, you may need to take medicine at school. If so, you must have a letter from your parents explaining when you need to take it. The medicine must be left in the attendance office for safe-keeping. You must not carry medicine or tablets around school. When office staff dispense your medicine you will be asked to sign a medicine register to confirm that you have received your dosage.
However, if you have asthma, you should ALWAYS carry your inhaler. If you have a severe allergy and require an epi-pen, you should ALWAYS leave a spare epi-pen with the office staff and carry one with you at all times