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Intent Statement 


‘No one shows us more clearly through verisimilitude

who we are and what we do than do plays and players’

Don Quixote


Theatre is a process in life, a process whose meaning is universal.  The creativity and collaboration needed to rehearse or devise a piece of theatre teach students about their world, their peers and the art form.  Performance and presentation skills build students’ confidence and self-belief as well as enriching the lives of all who see the work.  In the teaching of drama at St Ambrose, we will focus on the narrative or content of the work (the what), the form or structure (the how) and the meaning or morals of the work (the why).  We will use drama as a skill to dissect and understand life, as an art form to express profound meaning about life and as a process that brings us together and reminds us that we are not alone, we are part of the human race.


Our Drama curriculum expresses our mission statement:  
Drama enables pupils to explore who they are, what they believe and who they could be (Love).

Drama fosters a desire for learning and challenge; builds curiosity, confidence and independence, balancing personal development through the Ambrose Way with academic rigour and achievement. (Learn)

Drama equips pupils with the skills they need to be women and men for others, realising their aspirations and using their knowledge and skills in the service of others to make a positive difference in the world. (Lead)


Drama Department Staff


Mrs R Tulloch - Subject Leader of Drama




Drama - Recovery Curriculum


Under normal circumstances The GCSE Drama curriculum would be completed as detailed in the Key Stage 4 Curriculum Map. Due to the disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic a modified curriculum is being delivered which specifies what students learn in school and remotely. The department examined the Scheme of work and decided which elements of the course were essential and would still give the students the required knowledge and skills to successfully complete the course. The recovery curriculum maps are available below.


Recovery Curriculum Maps

KS4 Curriculum Maps
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