Key Stage 3
Year 7
Autumn 1: Where in the world?
Autumn 2: How dangerous is our world?
Spring 1: Why do we use maps?
Spring 2: Why aren't all countries wealthy?
Summer 1: How can we make the world a better place?
Summer 2: Local Fieldwork Enquiry
Year 8
Autumn 1: Who is responsible for the world's rainforests?
Autumn 2: Can we stop climate change?
Spring 1: How sustainable is our school?
Spring 2: How deadly are tropical storms?
Summer 1: How many people is too many?
Summer 2: How diverse is South America?
Year 9
Autumn 1: The Geography of Conflict
Autumn 2: Rivers and Coasts
Spring 1: How diverse is Asia?
Spring 2: How diverse is Europe?
Summer 1: Urbanisation and Resources
Summer 2: Current World Issues
Key Stage 3 Curriculum Maps
Key Stage 3 Knowledge Organisers
Key Stage 4
We do the AQA specification and study a range of case studies. For Paper 1 Section B we choose to study cold environments rather than hot deserts and for Section C we study River and Glacial Landscapes but do not do Coastal Landscapes. For Paper 2 Section C we focus on Energy and in particular fracking and sustainable energy production and consumption.
Key Stage 4 Curriculum Maps
Key Stage 3 Knowledge Organisers