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Intent Statement


"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it". George Santayana

History at St Ambrose Barlow is an academic subject rich in powerful knowledge of global, national and local events which have shaped the social and cultural world around us. The pursuit of History broadens our student’s understandings of the complexity of people’s lives, the ways in which attitudes and actions have of changed over time and the development of society today including its diversity and the relationships between different groups to build their cultural capital. History allows pupils to connect the challenges of the present with those of the past and in doing learn from the mistakes so they can avoid repeating them.


Powerful knowledge of History ensures students are given the opportunity to become more confident, creative, resilient and critical thinkers. Through the critical evaluation of contemporary sources and historians' interpretations, students are given powerful over their knowledge. Students will have the confidence to undertake self-directed learning and pose their own questions, and to formulate their own opinions.

Geography explores the past, present and future of our world. The power of Geography is to satisfy the connection with and curiosity about the world experienced by every human being.


Geography is relevant, is important and is intrinsically linked to most careers. The true nature of Geography often remains hidden from the public, shared more commonly as trivia; the longest river, tallest mountain capital cities . . . We aim to make our students more conscious of the important role of geographic knowledge. We aim to make them aware of current global issues. We aim to make them responsible, global citizens.

“It is I who made the earth and created mankind upon it.” Isaiah 45:12


Humanities Department Staff 


Mrs C McClave - Head of Humanities


Mr L Osborne -  Subject Leader History

Mr A Coccorese

Mrs S Pereria 

Mr J Stephenson 


Mrs C Brady - Subject Leader Geography 

Ms L Frost

Miss C Osbaldestin


Our five year plan



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