Mobile Phones & Digital Devices
Our approach to dealing with Mobile Phones and Digital Devices in school
We fully understand that children rely heavily on their mobile phones and that parents and carers find it reassuring to know that their child has a phone for safety and ease of contact. In PSHE and ICT, pupils are taught about the safe use of phones and social media. Phones are not a substitute for personal, face-to-face interaction.
Switched off and stored safely
During the school day, including break and lunchtime, pupils’ phones must be switched off and kept in their bag, not in their blazer pocket. It is too tempting to look at your phone if it is kept in their blazer pocket.
Pupils who use their phones in school
Pupils who have their phones, ear pods or headphones out during the day will be asked to hand them to the member of staff on duty. This will then be handed to the School Office and can be collected at the end of the school day, 3.15pm. We expect pupils to cooperate with this reasonable expectation at the first time of asking.
​Contacting home during the day
If pupils need to contact their parents or carer during the school day, they must do so via the school office or year manager - They must NOT make contact themselves by phone. Doing so means that adults who care about them do not know there is a problem and this may put the child at risk.
​Thank you for your continued support with the safety of your children at St. Ambrose Barlow. Please speak to your child about turning their phone off in school, not using them at break/lunchtime and working together to create a safe learning environment at all times.