Our Expectations
The little things matter. By showing that you can take responsibility for your appearance and by being prepared for school you show us that you are serious about your education. Getting the little things right means taking small steps to big successes.
Hair - Halo Hair Code
We believe that difference and diversity should be celebrated and protected. This is an important part of our Catholic Mission. We have adopted the Halo Hair Code to protect students and staff who come to school with natural hair and protective hairstyles associated with their racial, ethnic, and cultural identities. You can read the code here: https://halocollective.co.uk/halo-school/
No jewellery is allowed, other than one pair of plain, stud earrings in ear lobes. This is for safety reasons. No other piercings are allowed.
Make-up is discouraged, but pupils may wear a small amount of make-up as long as it is subtle, particularly to address blemishes or skin issues about which children may feel self-conscious. Fake tan, false eyelashes and false nails are not permitted.
Mobile Phones and Other Devices
We fully understand that pupils rely heavily on their mobile phones and that parents and carers find it reassuring to know that their child has a phone for safety and ease of contact. In PSHE and ICT pupils are taught about the safe use of phones and social media. Phones are not a substitute for personal, face-to-face interaction.
During the school day, including at break and lunch time, pupils’ phones must be switched off and kept in their bag or locker. They should only be used in lessons with the permission of the teacher, for example for the purpose of photographing work.
Pupils who have their phones (or similar device including ear pods/ headphones) out during the day will be asked to hand the device to a member of staff and the phone will be kept safely until the end of the day. We expect pupils to co-operate with this reasonable expectation at the first time of asking.
There may be occasions where we require an adult to collect the phone or device from school.
If pupils need to contact their parent or carer during the school day they must do so via the school office – they must not make contact themselves by phone. Doing so means that adults who care about them do not know there is a problem and this may put the child at risk.
Headphones or in-ear speakers such as Airpods must not be used in school. They should not be brought onto the premises or should be kept in a bag or locker. Pupils who use these devices or similar in school will be asked to hand the items to a member of staff. The items will be kept safely until the end of the day. We expect pupils to co-operate with this reasonable expectation at the first time of asking.
Bottles and Cans
Both of these items are banned from the campus. Pupils should bring a reusable, recyclable water container to school. Energy drinks and other high sugar drinks are also banned and will be confiscated.
For safety reasons, full-size footballs are not allowed on the playgrounds at lunch and break. Pupils may play on the MUGA and 3G pitches at lunch time.
For safety reasons, aerosol sprays are not allowed – if deodorant is needed after PE classes, please use a roll-on type.
Basic Equipment
Every student is expected to provide the following basic items of equipment for every lesson:
Blue ballpoint pen (+ spare)
Pencil eraser
Pocket English dictionary
Foreign language dictionary
Pencil sharpener
Ruler 12”/30cm
Pen drive/memory stick (optional)
Coloured pencils
Pair of compasses
Rough notebook/jotter
Set square
Aprons for Design Technology and Food Technology
Text books and specialised equipment will be issued on loan and students will be required to pay for any loss or damage to school property.
The school cannot accept responsibility for pupils’ personal possessions.