Intent Statement
"The Intent of PE within Curriculum for pupils at St. Ambrose Barlow is to develop the knowledge and understanding, skills, capabilities and attributes necessary for mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing now and in the future."
Through competitive and co-operative experiences the PE department offers a curriculum throughout KS3 & KS4 which covers a wide range of activities to enable all pupils to find activities that they wish to excel in, whilst meeting the requirements of the National Curriculum.
In Physical Education, pupils will develop their ability to perform, select and apply appropriate skills whilst developing their knowledge and understanding of sporting activities. Pupils work in small groups, reciprocally and as individuals, experiencing a wide range of roles within sporting situations such as leader, official, coach, analyst. By ensuring all pupils work in a range of different situations we help all pupils to build confidence and creativity whilst helping to develop co-operation and communication skills.
Assessment is a continual process carried out by teacher observation, pupil-self assessment and is compared to the National Curriculum attainment levels.
Pupils are taught in single gender and mixed groups appropriate to the activity being delivered.
All pupils are encouraged to achieve their maximum potential in each activity and to appreciate the value of physical activity as part of a healthy active lifestyle. An ethos of fair play is encouraged throughout all lessons, whilst ensuring they foster a desire to improve self performance.
The activity list below covers the key activities pupils will experience:
PE Department Staff
Mrs K Grundy - Subject Leader
Mr M Burns
Mr J Knowles
Miss K Macphail
Our five year plan