The Depths of the Riches of
Wisdom and Knowledge
(Romans 11:33)
Special Educational Needs and Disability
To ensure that all pupils receive their entitlement to a first class education our school recognises that additional provision of support and guidance may be required to further enable some pupils who have particular needs. Our Special Educational Needs & Disability Policy is designed to precisely identify and match specific individual needs to appropriate help and support.
The school operates a graduated approach to special educational needs in accordance with the Code of Practice document on the identification and assessment of Special Educational Needs as outlined by the Department of Education.
St Ambrose Barlow School fully endorses and adheres to the Government’s Inclusion Development Programme which focuses on supporting, training and empowering staff to identify pupils’ specific needs and support those pupils in the most effective ways in the classroom.
Whilst each pupil is at St Ambrose Barlow School, their progress is carefully monitored through our detailed assessment and reporting procedure and use of tests which can identify special abilities or difficulties.
If a pupil is identified as requiring additional support, an assessment is made in consultation with parents and all those concerned with that particular pupil’s education. A learning plan is then devised where targets are set and a review date arranged to ensure that progress is being made. We regard parental partnership as vital in ensuring that pupils are successful in achieving their targets.
In most circumstances our procedures and support occur in the classroom under the direction of the classroom teacher.
We feel that our experience of tactfully and sensitively responding to a wide range of different pupils’ additional educational requirements has contributed to the educational achievement at St Ambrose Barlow School.
We will always try to resolve any issues that parents or carers have without recourse to the Complaints Policy. However, if you feel that a complaint is required please read our policy and procedures here.
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